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One on one & Group Coaching


One on One & Group Coaching

If you bear any responsibility to bring in business you’ll need to build instant rapport, deep trust, and long-term relationships. Without it you’ll be relegated to bottom feeding where price is the only differentiator. If you have to recruit, network, develop, nurture, manage up, down or laterally, this skill set will do more for your career (and your bank balance) than any other set of skills you can master, period.

Mastering these skills is at the foundation of my coaching programs. Whether we work one-on-one or in a group, You’ll learn to set yourself apart. You’ll learn everyday tools that you can employ to become more be well-liked, well-thought of, well-respected and relied upon. You’ll learn to focus and pick up practical planning methods to make sure you get more done and have stress less.

I am a certified practitioner of NLP, (neuro-linguistic programming), the science that vaulted Tony Robbins to fame. I combine 30+ years of sales, and leadership with this great science to help you to outperform internal and external competition


Some of the areas I cover:

Exceptional communications coaching. I will teach you the NLP techniques that will help you to gain rapport with even the most difficult people on the planet (whether they are in your office or your bedroom)

Setting, following and achieving goals.  We will quantify your dreams and visions and break them down to manageable bites and give you a system that assures well thought out, positive outcomes.

Planning and structure. Do you feel strung out?  Are you “All over the place”?

We’ll untangle the knots and clear the many distractions and obstructions that get between you and a productive flow state each day.  You’ll learn to attract business rather than to randomly chase it.





Schedule a free 15-minute zoom call with me to talk about what you think coaching can do for you and to see if we are a fit.


This plan is great for someone just starting a new gig or someone who hasn’t done much goal setting or planning. This plan works well if you feel that you need structure and accountability. Each call is 45 minutes.

We’ll examine EVERYTHING. We will start at the very beginning to evaluate where you are, decide where you want to go, set personal development, business and financial goals, and create a rock-solid plan to get you there. We’ll meet bi-weekly (via Zoom) to create smart outcomes, confirm expectations, inspect achievement and remove any obstacles that are taking you off plan. Six Months: $1250.00/month or get a $500 discount and pay $7,000 upfront.

RENEW - Monthly
$1,250.00 every month
RENEW - One Time Payment

group coaching

The first step is to do a free-fifteen Zoom call so that we can determine which group is most compatible with you.

Mastermind groups offer perspective. As we move through the agenda each meeting, it’s comforting to see that we all have our issues and that some folks in the group may have an experience to share that offers the rest of the group a fresh perspective on a particular topic. Groups talk about projects, stumbling blocks, difficult employees, partners or bosses, and personal development tools. My groups submit action items they want to focus on and be held accountable for.

Each meeting begins with “wins”. Everyone shares something that went well for them over the past few weeks and then a “share” some technique or strategy that’s working well. From there we go into agenda items submitted ahead of time, group discussions and questions.

Group Coaching - Monthly
$159.00 every month
Group Coaching - One Time Payment